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Communication Meaning And Types In Organizational Behaviour

Communication Meaning Process Types In OB

Communication Meaning

Communication is important for organizations by which we coordinate tasks and achieve goals. It is defined in Webster's Dictionary as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, gestures, or behavior. We know that 50% to 90% of a manager's time is spent on Communications, good communication help to retain companies star employees. Research shows that organizations who improve their communication and integrity also increase their market value by seven percent.

Communication Process

Communication fulfills three main functions within an organization, which are coordination, transmission of information and sharing of feelings and emotions. All these functions are important for a successful organization. In the communication process Coordination function within an organization helps people work towards the same goals, Sharing feelings and emotions celebrates teams and unites people in times of celebration and crisis. Transmission of information is an important part of this process. Effective communication helps people understand issues, build synergies with colleagues and gain consensus.

Effective Communication Barriers

There are following communication barriers in effective communication, which are,
Selective Perception.
Information Overload.
Emotional Disconnects.
Lack of Source Familiarity or Credibility.
Workplace Gossip.
Gender Differences.
Biased Language.
Poor Listening.


Filtering is the distortion or stopping of information to manage a person's reactions. For sending and receiving effective communication members of an organization to get a complete picture of a situation, To maximize your chances of deliver messages information effectively, so that filtering effect can be lessened. filtering can lead to misunderstandings in the business communication, so minimize the filtering in communications.

Selective Perception

When we are moving to a new place small things can catch our attention. when we come to a new city or a new company. However, over time, we begin to make assumptions about the environment based on our past experiences. The selective assumption implies filtering what we see and hear to suit our needs. This process is often unconscious. We bombard each day with too much stimulation to get the same attention, so we pick and choose according to our needs. Selective perception is a time-saver, an essential tool in a complex culture. But it can also make mistakes. When two selective assumptions collide, there is a misunderstanding.

Information Overload

Many more messages reach us in countless ways every day. Some messages are social-advertisements that we can hear or watch during our day. There are other professionals e-mail, memos, and voice mail, as well as conversations with our colleagues. Others are personal conversations and messages with our loved ones and friends. Add them together and it's not easy to see how we can get more information. This state of information imbalance is known as information overload, in this situation it is very difficult, when the information resource demands real time interact and perform internal calculations.

Emotional Disconnects

For An effective communication their should be a sender and a receiver who are open to talking and listening to each other, regardless of potential differences in thought or personality. One or both parties may have to keep their emotions separate to achieve the goal of communicating clearly. A receiver who is emotionally disturbed, ignores or distorts what the sender is saying. A dispatcher who is emotionally disturbed may be unable to present thoughts or feelings effectively.

Lack of Source Familiarity or Credibility

Have you ever told a joke that went flat? You and the receiver lacked the general context that could make it fun. Or yes, it could have been just a cheap joke. Lack of familiarity with the sender can lead to inaccurate humor, especially in low-information channels such as e-mail.

Workplace Gossip

The informal gossip network known as Grapes is a lifeline for many employees seeking information about their company. Researchers believe that grapes are an essential part of organizational life. Research has found that 70% of all organizational communications take place at the grapevine level. Employees rely on their peers as a source of information, but the informal structure of the vineyard can be a barrier to effective communication. In addition, the grapevine create feelings of mistrust among employees.


Words meaning can be different for different people, or they cannot say anything to another person. It is called semantics. communicating with others should be in standard language, free of jargon when communicating with staff members outside the group.

Gender Differences

Men and  women in communication work together every day, but their different styles of communication can sometimes work against them. Typically, women like to ask questions before starting a project, while men tend to "jump right in". Another difference that has been observed is that men often play in metaphors. while many women use their home as a starting place for similes. we have seen, differences in communication styles of men and women can cause misunderstandings in the workplace. However, being aware of these differences can be the first step in learning to work with them rather than around them. Keep in mind that men tend to focus more on competition, data, and orders in their communication, while women Not cooperate,  women focus more on intuition and requests. Both styles can be effective in the right situations, but the first step to avoid misunderstandings the differences.

Biased Language

Words and actions that stereotype others based on individual or group affiliation are examples of prejudice. Effective communication is clear, factual, and goal-oriented.

Poor Listening

A sender may try to convey the message explicitly. But the receiver's listening ability for effective communication is also equally important for successful communication. The average worker listens to 55% of their workday. Managers listen up to 70% each day. Ultimately, a good manager should listen at least as much as he or she needs to talk. Effective communication depends on another type of Active listening, which can be defined as paying full attention to what other people are saying, To understand the points being made, ask questions as necessary, and do not interrupt at inappropriate times. Active listening creates a real-time relationship between sender and receiver by accepting the content and receipt of the message. Becoming a more effective listener As we have seen above, active listening creates a more dynamic relationship between a receiver and a sender. It creates healthy working relationships between colleagues Effective communication depends on another type of Active listening, which can be defined as paying full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to pay attention to what others are saying, To understand the points being made, ask questions as necessary, and do not interrupt at inappropriate times. As we have seen above, active listening creates a more dynamic relationship between a receiver and a sender. It creates healthy working relationships between colleagues. build your listening skills and become a more effective listener and make communication freezers disappear from your discussions.

Types Of Communication

communication is divided into three parts, which include,
Verbal communication.
Written communication.
Nonverbal communication.

Verbal Communication

 In business, verbal communication is done by the phone or in person. The medium of the message is verbal. One of the most consistent recommendations from communication experts is be aware of your communication style and practice of being flexible in stressful situations.

Written Communication 

Written communication is done in business, in the form of printed message which include memos, proposals, e-mails, letters, training manuals, and operating policies. which is printed on paper or appear on screen. Written communication is often asynchronous.  in business written communication compose a message that the receiver can read at any time, written business communication can also be read by many people such as all employees of a department or all customers.

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication is an important part of any communication. Research suggests that nonverbal communication can also affect when you get a job offer. They looked at the rate of gestures, the time it takes to talk, and the formality of the dress to determine which candidates would be the most socially successful on the job. Research also shows that 55% of person communication comes from nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body stance, and tone of voice. only 7% of the recipient's understanding of a message is based on the sender's actual words, 38% is based on tone, speech speed, and volume of speech, and 55% is based on Body language. Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, Posture, Touch, and Space, are some nonverbal cues that may support the sender's message.

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